Friday, July 6, 2012

Friday Fitness!

So it's been two months since I gave birth and I'm officially beginning my baby weight battle, but I don't just want to lose weight I really want to get my fitness level back to where it was before TWO consecutive pregnancies! So I've teamed up with my cousin and we're determined to lose our baby weight by August 11th. That's the day of my brother's wedding which I'm a bridesmaid in. I can't be photographed for the rest of our lives as the fat bridesmaid.

Well, I hate typing these numbers but I'm going to do it because I know those won't be my numbers much longer. When I got pregnant with the twins I weighed 145, not my ideal weight but perfectly acceptable for my 5"6 frame. When I got pregnant with baby #3, I was back down to 160 which was great given I got pregnant two months after giving birth. And today, I weigh 168 two months after the birth of my last baby girl. So the goal is to get back to my prebaby wieght by August so 23lbs in 5 weeks. I know its a lofty goal but I like to aim high.

We're going to do the 30Day Shred and I'm counting my calories on MyFitness Pal. Plus I'm using this blog to hold myself accountable and on track. Afterall, I don't want next friday to come around and have to post that I fell off the wagon.

I have a before picture but that sucker is BAD! I'm talking I couldn't believe it was me bad! My sister said I don't look fat- "I just look pregnant". Her exact words. Not sure there is a difference! But I will be posting that pic at the end of my five weeks my hope is to have a super after picture :)

But here is how I like to remember myself:

That's what my stomach looked like before kids :) (Jan. 2010)

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

SO What Wednesday!!!

It's Wednesday and I'm linking up with one of my favorite bloggers- Shannon at Life After I Dew.


  • if I waited over a week to make my second post after returning to blogging. I was in the midst of planning and throwing my girls their first birthday party which was a HUGE success thanks to my mom and brother! (plus, I think I'm finally getting into this blogging thing)
  • if I have been following some blogs for forever but only recently started leaving comments. I must say it felt weird to comment at first because I feel a little stalker-ish since it feels like I know all these ladies so well when we're really strangers.
  • if my babies first time to the "beach" will be a lake. I'm a Miami girl but I'm raising Georgia peaches.
  • if we have almost lived in our home one full year and I have done ZERO decorating- ( I was busy raising twins, being pregnant with #3, and not losing my mind) I'm taking it one room at a time.
  • Which explains why baby #3's room is the only room that is finished minus the curtains and every other room lacks major personality
  • Sometimes I have to force myself to leave our home-- seriously, going anywhere with three kids babies is major work but I want my girls to have many life experiences hence spending the fourth at the lake :)
Well, this mommy is off to the "beach". Hope everyone has an amazing fourth!!!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Layla and Breanna: 12 months!!

One year ago (from last Monday), my whole life changed forever. I became a mommy, and not just a mommy- a mommy of two. And well, life became more than I could ever imagine. Don't get me wrong it was tough- very tough. And there were are many a day this mommy would love nothing more than to be sitting on the beach solo with a pina colada in my hand, but there are way more days I soak in every minute of being blessed enough to watch these two little miracles grow up. So without further ado let me introduce you all to my ONE year old twins:

It's been so excited to see all the little changes the girls have made and all the things they can do the once couldn't:
  • We can climb on the sofa and climb down the safe way.
  • We can stand on our own and we take two- three wobbly steps but aren't to intersted in walking just yet. (especially since we only recently mastered crawling with our tummy off the floor- we were pros at the Army crawl)
  • We eat just about everything- but our favorite things are mandarin oranges, cheese, green beans and strawberries.
  • We are quickly learning all our body parts and can easily identfiy- our hands, teeth, hair, toes, and nose.
  • Our favorite activities are climbing on our blocks, sitting in our toy bin and riding in our toy cars.
  • We became big sisters two months ago and at first had no interest in the new baby except stealing her blanket- now we are learning to be gentle:

  • We don't do alot of talking just yet. Bree has really gotten into "talking with herself" whereas Layla is really into screaming to express ALL emotions.
  • We are not the best of friends yet- and become frustrated when sister has something I want.
  • We have started biting which makes mommy upset but we are starting to realize this is not a good thing to do.

Well, thats what the girls are up to as they hit the BIG ONE YEAR milestone. Stay tuned for postings on their Minnie Mouse Birthday party and little sister Peyton turning 2 months!