Sunday, August 5, 2012

Fitness Friday?!?

Okay, so yes I know I have been ignoring my blog- but this mama is off maternity leave which means I spend my precious time watching my baby girls. I can't wait to update you on what they are up to now. We've got their cousin's tea party birthday today and I can't wait to dress my babies up - pearls and all!!!

I swear thats coming as well as the twins' nursery redo and baby girl's nursery/playroom reveal as soon as I finish my last DIY projects. I'm so excited!!! I'm going to take on this house one room at a time- but ofcourse I start with the girls' rooms first because baby stuff is just too presh and I can't help myself.

Anyways, I ignored the blog but not my fitness goals- and well (drum roll please!!!) I am now weighing in at 159!! Super excited- that puts me under what I weighed when I got pregnant with baby girl #3 but still not at my pre-twin weight but I'm getting there. Still wearing my maternity clothes but hopefully not much longer- my closet is lonely :(

Hope you ladies are doing fabulous- can't wait to peek in on my regular blog reads. I love seeing what other mamas are up to!