Sunday, September 2, 2012

Bragging and B**tching!

Why hello there all!! I know I come and go, but I'm back for now (mostly). Atleast I hope. I just watched the Julie/Julia Project- interesting movie and more inportantly a little blog commitment motivation. If you haven't seen the movie the girl (julie) gives herself one year to do the entire Julia Childs cookbook (all 525 recipes) in one year and blogs about it. Long story short- blog become s a big hit, she writes a book and it gets turned into a movie (true story by the way). Okay I'm not writing a book any time soon- but I do want to make more friends out here in the bloggy world since momma needs more grown ups to talk to.

ANYWAYS- onto my new Sunday feature- Bragging and b*tching!

BRAG: Totally commited to my first pin-pletion. Yep- finally did one of those hundreds of things I pinned. WHat would that be you ask- well I started freezer cooking! Yep- this momma now has 14 meals frozen in my freezer just waiting for a lazy busy day when I need dinner in a pinch. So wooohooo for atleast 14 days of no take out! (upcoming post on the details soon)

B*tch: My MIL works ALL weekend now- so I have 2 14 month olds and a 4 month old to watch solo (hubby works allweekend not that he watches kids anyways) for over 48 hours. My mom took  one of the twins today and let me tell you- having just two kids seriously felt like a vacation.

BRAG: I know every mom thinks their children are future geniuses but I get so excited every time the twins learn something new and friends their ages can't do it yet. The twins can now snap their fingers, climb up and down stairs, and identify a majority of body parts on command- toes, hands, knees, belly, teeth, hair, and nose. Trying to teach them colors.

B*tch: I am beyond jealous of all women whose husbands actually enjoy their kids and help out. Seriously, hubby doesn'tdo anything for the girls. I'm not even just saying it- You know how some women complain because they do 70 and there husbands do 30 or 80- 20. Nope its totall 100- 0. He doesn't feed them any bottles or meals, doesn't do baths, doesn't change diapers. has NEVER watched them on his own EVER! Yeah, so ladies if your man changes one diaper, one bath, one meal, one bedtime any day of the week. I wanna be you cuz this mama is one TIRED single parent!! (I always said I would keep all the bad off my blog but this lady needs a place to vent and this is my little piece of the internet)   

BRAG: My family is AWESOME!!! Seriously, I would be on the verge of a nervous breakdown (not to mention dead broke after payng for childcare) if it wasn't for my mom. MIL, and dad rotating to watch the girls while I go to work.

Anyways, hope everyone had an awesome weekend- would love to hear what your bragging and b*tching about this week.

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