Everything is so hard. I've never been so tired in my life. I started back at full time on October 1st and between full time work, the twins, and trying to finish my masters final project (FUN about me fact: I am 1 35-page paper away from my masters in psychology). I feel like I'm drowning. I literally come home and whoever was watching the kids takes off the second I come through the door. Sometimes I don't even get enough time to shower and change before they go. The girls demand complete attention between the hours of 6pm and 10pm. The minute they notice an adult is not present they will begin to scream the highest pitched screams I have ever heard. On a positive note they for the most part sleep through the night- one will occasionally wake up around 4am to eat but other than that they are in bed til I get up for work the next morning. Somtimes they'll wait until I'm out the door and then my MIL will feed them if she's watching the girls that day, if not I feed them before I bring them over to my mom's house.
It seems as though every second of my day is accounted for. I have no me time and I am barely keeping up with my schoolwork because the second the girls pass out so does mommy. Everyone keeps telling me it doesn't get easier (yep, I have such wonderful rays of sunshine in my life..lol) so I guess at this point I'm just trying to survive mommyhood while keeping my sanity.
It does get easier! It may be different since you're in school too, but I remember being so exhausted the first few months. I've been blessed with babies who sleep through the night but I can get a full 8 hours a night if I need to. For me, life became a lot easier when they started sitting up too because it's easier to play and interact with the two of them at once. At almost 10 months, they're not crawling yet but I'm not in a hurry because I imagine that will be chaos. I've heard that parenting in general is hard in different ways as they get older. Hang in there, it does get easier.