Thursday, October 18, 2012

15 Months!!

So the twins had their 15 month appointment yesterday. The shots didn't go that bad, the waiting however was rough. Holy smokes whose idea is it to make 15 month olds wait for 30 minutes in the office for the doctor to come in. I'm not talking about the outside waiting room. You know the one with the toys and open space. I'm talking that little room where the doctor sees you. It had been a few months since we were here and they weren't such big "explorers" back then so it didn't occur to me to bring some toys or something to entertain them. I only brought their stuffed Pooh Bear as a soother.

Oh and you see those cabinets in the background. Totally NOT locked! Good thing they were empty although filthy. I spent at least five minutes of my life saying "No, No, Dirty!" until I gave up. Funny how once you give up they lose interest.

Anyways, we survived. The best part is the girls are doing perfect. We are actually in the 90 and 70 percentile for height (Layla is currently a half inch taller) and average for weight and head circumference. This may not be a big deal to some but for my girls this is huge. Please note that those percentile are adjusted for being born at exactly 33 weeks. But at our last appointment, 12 months, we had just hit 33% and before that 9 months we were 14 percent. And well before that my little ones still weren't on the charts. They were born at 33 weeks, Layla was 5 lbs 1 oz and Bree was 4 lbs 10oz. We didn't have many health issues aside from some jaundice and issues eating since we were early they didn't have the strength to finish all their feedings so they were on feeding tubes for a week- rotating feedings. One feeding was tube the other bottle. We spent a total of 12 days in the NICU but we left with two healthy babies. And I get so excited with every milestone they accomplish.

I am so excited to see some new faces peeking at my little blog. I am working on getting an about us section up and hope to post the girls birth stories too. I get very excited to talk to other mommies so feel free to say hi. Odds are if you make your way to my page I'll find my way to yours. i love hearing stories and checking out tips from others. It's funny because all though I have 3 kids- I am pretty new at this mommy thing.

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