When I first got pregnant, I thought no poblem. I am going to gain my 20lbs needed for a healthy baby and then most of that will melt away after I had the baby. Plus, any leftover weight after the birth would surely fade away once I started breastfeeding. Well, at 16 weeks I had gained 9lbs. Yay, I thought pretty much right on schedule. Fast forward, to week 18 and me lying on an ultrasound table. The lovely ultrasound lady begins and calmly states, "there are the two heads". My mouth drops and I keep waiting for her to say she is kidding. You see the military hospital doesn't do (as in they don't care if you cry and beg to do it earlier) ultrasounds before 22 weeks. So being the
inpatient curious person I am, I opted for the private ultrasound done at those 3D places, so this poor woman thought we already knew we were having twins.
Long story short, we find out we were having twins and I start my research on twin pregnancies. Every book I read said mother's weight gain has the highest correlation to healthy birth, so 45lbs was the new magic number to ensure my babies would get here healthy. I had gained 50lbs when the girls were born at 33 weeks and although they spent 12 days in the NICU they were healthy. They breathed on their own and aside for a couple feeding tube feedings, there were no major issues.
At my two week appointment, I had already lost 25lbs. By my 6 weeks appointment, I was down a total of 32lbs. I was only able to breastfeed for 3 weeks before I completely lost my supply after a terrible case of mastitus. So now at 12 weeks post partum, I am a mere 13lbs away from my pre-preggers weight. Though my stomach is nothing like it used to be, though with the help of a post-partum girdle it is slowly tightening up. It was my mistake not to purchase one until around 7 weeks post-partum. All you mommies-to-be. I highly recommmend investing in one of these.
So Heidi Klum was back on the catwalk in 6weeks. Well, I don't have a trainer or a nanny to watch my kids, so my progress may be a little slower. But I can see the progress. My pre-pregnancy clothes still dont fit but my maternity clothes are too big, so I'm stuck somewhere in the middle. I refuse to buy any new clothes in this size, so hopefull that will be additional motivation to lost the weight. I know the baby weight battle is something
ALMOST all new moms face, so wish me luck as I try to get back to the healthy lifestyle and body I once had :)