Thursday, February 28, 2013

Making it easy...

Okay. So I am now on day 3 of flying solo on the parenting train. I am learning things everyday that I need to change to able to make people think we don't live in a pigsty I'm superwoman.

First lesson I learned was laundry. yeah, three kids plus the man-child husband equals a sh!t ton of laundry to be washed and folded and on a good day actually put away. The worst thing my husband ever did was put a folding table in our laundry room. Before that table I would fold and stack clothes on the dryer and put them away when I got tired of playing jenga with the pile now I have even more space to stack clothes because I have a whole table! Hehe, he totally thought that would mean things would get folded and put away. Hey- at least they are folded. Anyways, now every morning I start a load, when I get home I move it to the dryer. Then once the girls are in bed, I fold it up and put it on the table away :) Then I sort the next load and put it in the washer to be started the next morning. This saves me from doing 8 piles of laundry on the weekend.

I usually have food prepared for my lunches but its not packed up so I usually have to gather it all up which of course takes time plus even longer when there are three little ones running around dumping their breakfast all over the floor and trying to stuff their banana in the baby's mouth. So, lesson of the day have my lunch packed so I only have to put my bag in the car!

And the unfortunate lesson of the day carry febreeze and anything I can think of to make cleaning up a child that just vomitted all over herself, her carseat and the car when you have an hour drive to drop her off at my dad's which is right by my work. yep, for those of you keeping score I drive an hour every day to get to work with usually 1 or 2 kids in tow. Sad 2 hours of my life wasted in the car but hopefully by the end of the year I will be working closer to home *fingers crossed*

And that folks are the lessons I've learned on my current journey into doing things for myself and because no post is complete without some cuteness here are my babies at bath time last night. If you all three of you follow me on IG then you already saw this pic (if you don't follow me there you should- @ali4mmia).

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